Friday, August 12, 2016

AhSleep Review

Product Description (from Amazon):
AhSleep enables your body to restore and balance these depleted naturally occurring
chemicals. Most sleep aids and medications treat the symptoms, not the root cause.
AhSleep is all-natural, non-addictive and safe to take with most prescriptions. It is
a natural alternative to prescription sleep medications that often leave you feeling
groggy upon waking.

A h S l e e p.™ F o r a n “ a h - s o m e ” n i g h t ’ s s l e e p.
AhSleep was originally developed by Dr. Tracy Sands to help patients in addiction recovery treatment who
suffered from insomnia.It was so successful that it is now, for the first time, being offered to the general public.
As he worked with people struggling with insomnia, Dr. Sands discovered that most people with persistent sleep issues can be critically low in the hormones and brain neurotransmitters
that regulate sleep. Dr. Sands formulated AhSleep specifically to address your body’s chemical shortages to
help reduce difficulty falling and staying asleep.



I was received a sample of the  AhSleep from Jones Ltd Int'l Consultants Inc in exchange for an honest review. I tried this for two weeks before bed and have to say I've never slept better! I have been battling with anxiety especially at night for a while now and take Zzquil every once in a while but try to avoid it.

I was fast asleep within 30 minutes of taking this with no anxiety and it was awesome! When I woke up I didn't experience any grogginess. I would recommend this product to anyone for experiences any anxiety issues.


A big THANK YOU to Jones Ltd Int'l Consultants Inc for providing me with a free sample of  AhSleep to review.  I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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