Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fresh Feet Review + Giveaway


Product Description (from Amazon):
  Lucky you! Fresh Body has developed a product that prevents wetness and the uncomfortable feelings of having sweaty feet, which, let’s face it, all people suffer from. Fresh Feet® is specifically formulated to keep your feet fresh and dry, and ultimately solves your excess perspiration issues.

Aluminum, Paraben and Talc-Free, Fresh Feet® contains oatmeal as an anti-irritant and tea tree oil as an anti-bacterial.

Fresh Feet™ is an easy to apply lotion that dries quickly, so it won’t clump on your feet, can be used as often as needed and is recommended to use as part of your daily grooming routine.




I received a bottle of Fresh Feet from Fresh Body
in exchange for an honest review. I gave it to my mom's boyfriend who has an issue with his feet smelling. He is so pleased with how well this product works! He used a small amount with each application and says it dried pretty quickly. He said that all day his feet stayed dry and smelling normal!

This product totally does what it claims! This product was so easy to use and a great find!  We would recommend this product to anyone!! 

Purchase this now on Amazon for $10.57


Get Your Own  Fresh Feet

Fresh Body is giving one of my lucky readers their very own Fresh Feet! Enter via the Rafflecopter below! A winner will be emailed on 4/23/2015. Good luck!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to Fresh Body for providing me with a free  Fresh Feet review.  I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I would like to win this for my son -- he could really use it.

  2. I would use this myself.

