Monday, February 16, 2015

Face Whisperer® Day Cream: A "Dream Cream" Review + Giveaway

Product Description:
Our signature Face Whisperer® Day cream contains Argireline® to relax your wrinkles and improve your skin health. Argireline is commonly known as the "natural botox".

Trylagen® is also included, a formula to boost and protect your collagen. Your skin is hydrated and moisturized with pleasant botanical ingredients, such as cucumber, carrot, aloe, avocado and sweet almond.

This is your "DREAM CREAM" that is both pre-emptive for women in their 30s and proactive for those in their 40s and older.

1) Relax Wrinkles and Lines Naturally
2) Boost Collagen Production That Slows With Age and is Behind Wrinkles and Sagging
2) Hydrate Beautifully



I received a jar of the Face Whisperer® Day Cream with Argireline® from Sublime Beauty® in exchange for an honest review. I really like this product! This Moisturizer is reasonably priced and it's very easy to use! After using this Moisturizer on my face every morning before I put make up on for a few days I am amazed. This Moisturizer is light and noticeably made a difference in the softness of my skin! Which is very hard to do with the harsh winter upon us. The cream goes on real easily and is quickly absorbed into my skin.

I use this cream not really for the younger looking skin since I am 25 but more of a healthier looking skin especially in the winter. My favorite part about this Moisturizer is the smell. It has a relaxing feminine smell which I love. I love all the natural elements in this moisturizer and it works. It feels great on my skin.

Sublime Beauty® really stands behind their products and this Moisturizer really does what it promises to do! I recommend this Moisturizer to anyone who wants their skin to be softer and bring back a healthy/ younger look.


Get Your Own  Face Whisperer® Day Cream: A "Dream Cream"

Sublime Beauty® is giving one of my lucky readers their very own  Face Whisperer® Day Cream: A "Dream Cream"! Enter via the Rafflecopter below! A winner will be emailed on 2/23/2015. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

A big THANK YOU to Sublime Beauty® for providing me with a free  Face Whisperer® Day Cream: A "Dream Cream"  to review.  I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary. 
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I'd like to win this for myself. It's been really cold and dry here this winter and I could use a good moisturizer!

  2. Yay! I won! I'm really excited to try this out-thank you, thank you!!
