Friday, February 13, 2015

Baby Bonding Bracelet Review + Giveaway

Product Description (from Amazon):
The Baby Bonding Bracelet is a whole new jewelry concept. This pretty semi-precious stone bracelet is lovingly crafted from natural Rose Quartz - comprising 18 Rose Quartz beads and a delicate Rose Quartz heart. It was developed in conjunction with pregnancy and birthing experts, who knew of the benefits of Rose Quartz and were looking for a practical way to get pregnant moms to wear it. Rose Quartz acts to deepen your love towards and your connection with your baby

Rose Quartz is often called the "Love Stone" and its energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love that opens the heart. The high energy of Rose Quartz gives it the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Bringing love into life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it.

Believed to protect Mum during pregnancy and childbirth, the energy of Rose Quartz is also gentle and nurturing during labor and childbirth bringing more serenity to the birthing process. It is useful to balance emotions, bring peace and calm and to relieve anxiety.

For all these reasons you can wear your Baby Bonding Bracelet

  • during pregnancy
    during childbirth
    when breastfeeding

Place the whole Baby Bonding Bracelet or just the detachable heart under your pillow after childbirth, for a more restful night’s sleep. It will help to soothe negative influences, replace negativity with harmony and ease emotional imbalance.

It’s also highly practical for busy, exhausted new moms - just switch wrists to remind which side baby nursed last.

The Rose Quartz Baby Bonding Bracelet is perfect as an original pregnancy gift, as a small baby shower gift, or as a unique present for any of your loved ones at anytime. 



A great thing about knowing someone who is pregnant is getting to buy them stuff for the baby. When I saw this Baby Bonding Bracelet I loved it.  I couldn’t wait to get it and give it to my girlfriend's sister! She loved it and put it on right then and there! It is an absolutely gorgeous bracelet!

She is into the whole energy thing and really thinks that this bracelet has made her calmer. This bracelet is made to protect the mom during pregnancy and childbirth, Rose Quartz is also the most powerful of fertility gemstones. This Baby Bonding Bracelet is so much better than any other product I have seen that is similar. It comes in a gorgeous box which makes a great gift. This product truly allows you to be closer to your baby. I would highly recommend this product as a gift or to any mom or mom-to-be. 


Get Your Own  Baby Bonding Bracelet

Easy Mom and Baby is giving one of my lucky readers their very own  Baby Bonding Bracelet! Enter via the Rafflecopter below! A winner will be emailed on 2/20/2015. Good luck!  

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Easy Mom and Baby
wants to offer my followers a special 15% discount! All you have to do is enter the code below at checkout. What are you waiting for?!

Use promo: LCDR5LKQ to get a 15%  discount (exp. 2/15/15)

A big THANK YOU to Easy Mom and Baby for providing me with a  Baby Bonding Bracelet to review.  I was not compensated for this review. I receive product(s) for free so that I can provide my insight and experience. These are my honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. I would like to win this for my niece's new baby.

  2. I'd love to win this for my daughter!

  3. I requested to follow on instagram... says you are private? I requested so took the entry, hope thats OK

    ellen beck on form

  4. I would love to win this for my daughter who is having her baby in July!

    ellen beck
